Thursday, July 15, 2010

Importance of Chanting of Mantras and Prayers in Hinduism

Chanting of a simple mantra or prayer is considered one of the easiest ways to worship God in Hinduism. The prayer can be Om or Om Namah Shivaya or Om Namo Narayanaya or any of the numerous other simple Hindu prayers. It is said in the Puranas that chanting of mantras is the best way to approach God in Kali Yuga and attain Moksha. It is believed that self realization, tapas, Dhyanam etc., are tough to practice for human beings living in Kali Yuga (the present age).

In the Satya Yuga, Dhyanam was the easiest way to approach God. The human mind was not polluted in Satya Yuga and therefore he/she was able to climb the ladder of self realization easily.

In the Treta Yuga, Yajna and Yagams were seen as the methods of worship.

In the Dwapara Yuga, pujas and rituals were seen as the best modes or worship.

In the Kali Yuga, chanting of mantras and prayers is considered to be the ideal method to attain self realization. This is because the age of Kali is an age of inauspiciousness. Mind will be easily attracted to pleasures, which lasts only for few seconds. There will always be a craving for pleasures. There will be no control of desire. Non fulfillment of desire leads to anger and destruction. People will not be able to concentrate in the Kali Yuga.

Sage Narada who realized the traps and tribulations in Kali Yuga asked Brahma for a solution to escape from the problems and worries in the Kali Yuga.

Brahma advised Sage Narada that chanting of mantras and prayers is the only solution to escape from the evils in Kali Yuga.

There are no rules or time to chant the simple mantras. A person can chant it whenever he/she wants to. The chanting of a particular mantra helps a person to identify with the Supreme Truth.

Just close the eyes and chant ‘OM’ in mind.

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