Thursday, July 15, 2010



Smritis* are the books of codes related to the social living. They describe what are the sins and the good deeds, define what penances, or what kind of fasting, or what kind of charity could redeem which sin, or what should be the punishment for a particular sin. They also describe what kind of rites and rituals a person is supposed to observe in the family, and what is the right conduct and right behavior for the people of various orders of life in the society, and so on. A lot of Sages and eternal Divine personalities have written Smriti books. Out of these Manu Smriti, Yagyavalkya Smriti and Parashar Smriti are important. Parashar Smriti is suitable for the people of kaliyug, but the other Smritis are suitable for other yugas. However, the last verse of Parashar Smriti says,

which means that a person who is desirous for celestial pleasures should study this. It means that it is not directly related to God realization.

* Eighteen Smritis: Manu, Brihaspati, Dakch, Gautam, Yam, Angira, Yogishwar, Pracheta, Shatatap, Parashar, Samvart, Ushna, Shankh, Likhit, Atri, Vishnu, Yagyavalkya and Harit.

Upsmritis: Narad, Pulah, Garg, Pulastya, Shaunak, Kratu, Baudhayan, Jatukarn, Vishwamitra, Pitamah, Jabali, Skand, Logakchi, Kashyap, Vyas, Sanatkumar, Janak, Vyaghra, Katyayan, Kapinjal, Apastamb, Kanad, Deval, Paithinasi, Gobhil, Vashishth, Bharadwaj, and more. Only some of them are available.

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